Tuesday, November 30, 2010

{with a side of marshmallows}

So I did it.
And by IT, I mean the Christmas pictures. I took the kids' pictures over the weekend.
 And the absolutely astonishing thing about that?
 I took them on November 28. A whole month before Christmas.
Not December 19, which is much more typical of me but in November. Amazing.

And no bribery was necessary. Well, except the marshmallows and hot cocoa. 
I made it quick and easy and the kids cooperated. Even more amazing. 

Now to actually print them and mail them. On time. That would be amazing.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunset :: Part 1

These family photos were taken last month of my uncle,
his wife and her horse, Buddy.
These photos were taken at sunset at their house and it was absolutely beautiful, truly
 the most perfect spot for sunset pictures. I think the second to the last picture of her
leaning back on the horse might be one of my favorites ever.
Love it. 

Now I want to move to the country and live in a farm house with a big pond,
 lots of land and horses.  How about you?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Love Fall

{Under Construction...}
I am busy trying to get this blog up and running while adding lots of pictures.
 Hopefully these changes will all be worked out soon!
But in the mean time...

I love Fall and here is just a few reasons why...

leaf bouquets pumpkins, acorns, orange and yellow and brown, apple orchards, hot tea...
I love Fall. 

Old-Fashioned Soda Fountain

Us, bored? Never. We make our own fun. And if it comes in the form of ice cream cones, extra sprinkles and soda that is saved for only the most special occasions? Even better.


Somehow my girl turned FOUR years old last month. 
Not sure how that happened so fast but it did. 
Happy 4th Birthday Charlotte Rose!


We picked the perfect spot for her pictures and got blue skies, wonderful sunlight and an empty park.
An empty park means multiple outfits and me dragging along lots of stuff without worrying about anyone seeing me...always a good thing.

Baby Elise:: Part 1

I was lucky enough to photograph this sweet little baby girl recently, 
just 12 days old here.
Welcome to the world, Baby Elise!